Monthly Archives: March 2013

Friday things.

Spring has sprung! The sun is shining here in Paris today which makes the weekend even more exciting.
I am going to the countryside this weekend to breathe in the fresh air, walk, read and eat good food.

My lovely father surprised me with these shoes. He is such a rockstar, he chose them himself!

I just bought myself this too with the 10 euro discount when you sign up to the ASOS newsletter! Overalls remind me of Summer and my childhood and it’s a nice feeling when the sun is finally making an appearance.

I have started writing articles on Localers– check them out for tours of Paris and articles on what to do and where to do. I will be their food writer, giving tips on where to eat and how to eat like a local in Paris.

Here are a few photos to inspire you all for the weekend, my lovelies. xx






Small things.

There is nothing better than cutting open an avocado and seeing that it’s the most perfect avocado on earth.



Lazy Musings

My idea of a perfect day: a delicious super foods salad, latté, green smoothie, dream catcher and flowers.










Very true.

Happy Monday!



#2 In My Basket

The season is (finally) changing, and even though it’s still cold, the Winter vegetables are starting to go out of season. There are still the root vegetables and the Winter apples and pears but kale is going out of season now so it may be my last kilo of kale for a while. This week I’ll be eating so much kale!

I’ll take you through what I had in my basket this Saturday after my outing to market. Favourite outing of the week. By far .


Organic and fresh Jersey cow milk. For those of you that have lived in Europe, you must have also noticed their milk isn’t real milk, and to be honest it kind of freaks me out. You can keep it out of the fridge without it going off. It’s been so processed that it is no longer milk. So for my lattés and chai, I get this organic milk which is actually very good for you and full of lots of nutrients. I think that you need to put in your body what feels right. I respect fully the people who are lactose intolerant, and they should steer clear of my raw milk, but for those of you that can digest milk, please look at the way it’s been treated and ask yourself if the milk you are eating has any nutrient value, or if it’s like the freaky milk you find everywhere here in France. Without getting too political, it is also a great way to support local farmers. Lobbying by the government and big supermarkets is very strong in all countries. We need to think about the small producers and the quality of their products is absolutely one hundred times better than what you find in a supermarket.



Fresh sourdough bread.


Chocolate bread with a dark chocolate heart.


Organic blood oranges.


Sweet potato. Baked with coconut oil. TO DIE FOR.


Gorgeous snow-white like apples.


Fresh beetroots and their leaves which I use in salads.


My new capsules from Terre de Cafe. I’ll be writing about this place soon.


And of course, I got a big bag of kale.


This is what I call real yoghurt, folks!


J’s brunch.


My brunch. No ham.


In the side salad I put beetroot leaves, sprouted lentils and grated beetroots. I like my eggs scrambled so I did them with olive oil and kale. J likes his eggs fried so I sprinkled kale on them as they were cooking. The cheese is cantal, which is one of my favourite cheeses!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. What did you buy and cook this weekend? Anything special?


How green can you go?

My green smoothies look like this. How do you make yours? Tell me all.

It’s Sunday morning here in Paris so I’m about to go make myself my morning green smoothie. YES.

Green smoothie

Green smoothie

Green smoothie

Green smoothie


Voyager Candles

I discovered Voyager Candles recently and I am so glad I did. It’s hard to find candles that are 100% natural and I really don’t like burning candles that use unauthentic essential oils or wax that contains toxins. The idea of Voyager came to Kerrie almost two years ago. She has always been interested in fragrance, and have had the travel bug since she was eighteen years old. After 25 years in the fashion industry, she was ready for a career change, and travel-inspired perfumed candles seemed to be a good fit for her!

Voyager candles are made from a blend of soy, coconut and beeswax. For her candle manufacturer in Melbourne, it took many months to get the right wax recipe, one that contained no palm wax or paraffin (isnt’t that wonderful?!), and that suited the particular heat properties of the thermal glasses. The complex, but subtle Voyager fragrances are inspired by places Kerries loves, and are named after gardens around the world.

In total there are five candles in the Voyager range but it couldn’t have been more appropriate for me than to get the Melbourne and Paris inspired candles, bien sur! The Belleville candle is inspired by Paris and has amber, guiawood, vanilla, lavender and courmarin. It is very soft and I love the vanilla that comes through and fills my apartment. The Alexandra candle, inspired by Melbourne, and named after the Alexandra gardens has bergamot, petigrain, fig leaves, sandalwood and green tea. I love this one as it reminds me of big open spaces, freshly cut grass, big skies, warm northerly winds, cicadas, jetty walks and coastal drives… Gosh I miss Melbourne.

I highly recommend you to head over to Kerrie’s website Voyager Candles. Which candle would you choose and why? What places in the world have a strong memory with you? I think it’s such a great idea, a candle that recreates a memory. Our memory is very strongly linked to our smell so it’s genius.

Happy weekend everybody! I’m off to market now ♥

Voyager Candles

Voyager Candles

Voyager Candles

Voyager Candles

Voyager Candles

Voyager Candles

Voyager Candles

Voyager Candles

Voyager Candles

Voyager Candles

Voyager Candles

Voyager Candles


Voyager Candles

Voyager Candles


#1- In My Basket

I hope you all had a lovely weekend lovelies. Saturday was a gorgeously sunny day here in Paris so I got excited and took out my basket and flask of coffee and myself out to market to get some fresh vegetables. I do that every Saturday, but seeing it’s an important part of my weekend I thought you may enjoy knowing what fresh food I get each weekend, depending on the season and what I’m cooking, and showing you what I cook with it all. How does that sound? This little series will give you an insight into my Saturday mornings at market here in Paris.

In My Basket

In My Basket

Fresh parsley and coriander.

In My Basket

In My Basket

Fresh ginger.

In My Basket

In My Basket

Four fresh beetroots.

In My Basket

In My Basket

My pretty pink glitter flask that I took my coffee with me in. I’m such a girl.

In My Basket

In My Basket

A bag of fresh organic kale. Obsessed, much?

In My Basket

In My Basket

Loaf of sourdough bread that had literally just been pulled out of the oven when I got it from my bakery.

In My Basket

In My Basket

With my fresh ingredients I made myself a kale, sprouted lentil, raw beetroot, grated ginger, and roasted beetroot (which I roast in coconut oil) salad with a dash of olive oil. The bread was still warm so I boiled two eggs and had them with some salted butter on toast. I can’t tell you how good it was.

In My Basket

In My Basket

In My Basket

In My Basket


Coconut Lentil Soup

I made this a few weeks back because it’s rich like comfort food without being unhealthy or fatty .I’m dreaming of going back to India or Asia so I took myself there with the spices and coconut milk I based this soup on.

You’ll need:

800ml of organic coconut milk
a cup of organic green lentils
a cup of kale
a cup of baby spinach
200g of very thin rice noodles
3 cloves of garlic
2 teaspoons of ghee

fry up the spices in coconut oil and let them simmer until the turmeric is sizzling and the oil is yellow. Put in the cup of lentils and cover them in oil and let them simmer around 2-3 minutes. Add the coconut milk and stir until it’s lightly boiling then turn down the heat. When the lentils are soft, which should take around 25 minutes, add in a cup of water to add some extra liquid before adding the rice noodles and greens. Add two teaspoons of ghee for a nutty flavour.

When everything is soft serve and I would suggest cutting up a bunch of coriander to serve. I also grated a small amount of fresh lemon or lime zest to give this soup some bite!

Let this soup take you somewhere exotic in your mind.

coconut lentil soup

coconut lentil soup

coconut lentil soup

coconut lentil soup

coconut lentil soup

coconut lentil soup


First day of March

This morning I drank strong Italian stovetop coffee, admired my flowers and thought how exciting it is that Spring is just around the corner. Happy Friday everybody! ♥





dream catcher

dream catcher

Unicorn cup by Superfumi.
Gypset travel book by Julia Chaplin.
Dream catcher from Denver, USA.

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