Tag Archives: cocoa powder

Flourless Chocolate Nib Cupcakes with Raspberry Hearts

I am so delighted, this recipe is going to be posted on the Loving Earth website. If you don’t know Loving Earth then you really should look at their site, and of course try their products.

Just because there is chocolate in this cake, does not mean you can’t eat it! In any case, this flourless version is low in both carbs and fat, so it’s free of sin and full of taste! To put the raspberry on the cake, the Loving Earth raw cocoa nibs are full of nutrients, antioxidents and magnesium to make this cake a borderline superfood! They also give these cupcakes a richness and slight crunchy texture.

The next great thing is that even those who have a super sweet tooth love these. My J is the kind of person that could eat a kilo of m&m’s in one sitting, so making these really is a healthy alternative. Could be a great lunch box treat too!


  • 50g (1/2 cup) organic cocoa powder
  • 5 tbsps of Loving Earth cocoa nibs
  • 80ml (1/3 cup) hot coffee
  • 2 tsp boiling water
  • 1 x 100g pkt almond meal
  • 100g dessicated coconut
  • 100g (1/2 cup) brown sugar (infused with vanilla beans- as in picture)
  • 3 eggs, separated

Preheat oven to 180°C. Put the cupcake patties in a muffin tray.

Combine the cocoa powder and hot water in a medium bowl.  Put in the cocoa nibs. Add the coffee and hot water to the cocoa mixture and stir until combined.This will soften the cocoa nibs slightly.

Add almond meal, coconut, sugar and egg yolks to cocoa mixture, and stir until well combined.

Use an electric beater to whisk egg whites in a clean, dry bowl until soft peaks form. Use a metal spoon to fold a spoonful of egg whites into cocoa mixture until combined. Gently fold in remaining egg whites until just combined.

Spoon half of the mixture into patties, put in the raspberry heart, then spoon in the second half of the mixture. Bake for around 12 minutes or until a skewer comes out dry.

If you wish to do an icing, here is how I did it:

200g of chocolate
100g crème fraîche

melt both the chocolate and the crème fraîche. Pour them in the same bowl and mix until combined. After a few hours in the fridge, using an electric beater, mix until light and fluffy. Using an icing bag, ice the cupcakes and put a raspberry on each cupcake. I suggest making the icing the day before and beating it just before icing.

and VOILA!

I just got back from a week in Budapest and tonight I am off to Istanbul. Very excited! More food and life adventures to come.

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